Deana-Rae Clayton, a 33-year-old Montego Bay resident in Jamaica, who has never crossed the shores to the United Kingdom, but a tragic car accident she had …
Odd world
Odd world
Black Babies 3 Times At Risk Of Dying Under The Care Of White Doctors, According To Study
by Hamidby HamidCable News Network (CNN) has reportedly showed that Black babies are three times more susceptible to die during childbirth if cared for by White …
15-year-old Anna Hankins has Prader-Willi Syndrome, a rare, incurable genetic disorder that makes her constantly starving hungry. Her condition means she has …
Her future husband is 66 — that’s a 40 year age difference! When Valdemira Rodrigues de Oliveira said “yes” to her love’s …
The photos are absolutely gorgeous. Four years ago, 27-year-old Q May Chen of Taipei, Taiwan, beat breast cancer. But two years later, …
These newlyweds are fuels for love – after getting their wedding pictures shot at a PETROL STATION. Groom Au Phakphumphaisal, 30, …
Odd world
Woman enjoys day out at Disney World using her ticket from 1994 – proving dreams do come true
Chelsea Herline got to enjoy all the magic of Disney 22 years after she first went when she gained entry with her …
A report on Friday in New Delhi said a 72 year old Indian woman has given birth to her first child after …
It sounds unbelievable,odd and strange, but it is so true. A town in India has been discovered where mothers breastfeed animals with …
This man is married to thirteen women and they are all pregnant at the same time. Not only are they contented with …
A pair of identical twins who have never lived apart just celebrated their 100th birthdays and they still can’t get enough of …
A brand new product from Spanish company Durmet, keeping tabs on unfaithful partners is now easier than ever. This special, infidelity-detecting mattress …
This fit, pregnant and soon-to-deliver mummy is trending on almost all social media platforms. Why? She has just 5 weeks before shes …
Odd world
Woman Makes Shocking Claim: I Fed My Dad With My Breast Milk To Give Him An Extra Year Of Life
Helen Fitzsimmons, age 40, pumped her breast milk and gave it to her father Arthur after he was diagnosed with cancer. According …
A Chinese woman is pronounced lucky by doctors after she sealed her eyes shut when she mistook super glue for eye drops. …
Plenty of people have quit their jobs to start a career in the food industry, but Tara and Sasha Bouis are a …
This polish Grandmother still enjoys driving her 2016 Subaru WRX STI thereby Challenging the idea that elderly ladies are slow. 81-year-old Michalina Borowczyk-Jędrzeje is the …
Anatolia Vertadella, a 101-year-old Italian woman, has given birth to a 9-pound baby after a controversial ovary transplant widely criticized by medical …
The Sisters of the Valley is a highly unusual ‘order’ of cannabis-growing nuns, made up of only two members – Sister Kate and …
Literally translating to ‘Mother’s Market’, Ima Keithel is Asia’s largest all-women market, where all the stalls are run exclusively by women. Located …
Meet Yi Jiefeng, a Shanghai woman who has helped plant millions of saplings in Inner Mongolia, over the past 12 years. Her goal is …
Velikaya Kopanya village is better known as Ukraine’s ‘Land of the Twins’ because of its record-breaking 61 pairs of twins among the less than …