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Duchess International Women’s Day Conference 2025

April 23 - April 26



Empowering Women: A Conference for Change

Join us this International Women’s Day for a groundbreaking conference that goes beyond celebration to empowerment and action. Our event is dedicated to addressing the multifaceted challenges faced by women, from economic barriers and limited political representation to educational inequalities and gender-based violence. With roots often entangled in culture and tradition, these issues demand a united front for sustainable c

Why Attend?

Share and Learn: Engage in meaningful discussions, share your experiences, and learn from the stories of others.

– Access Resources:Discover a wealth of resources tailored to help women overcome systemic barriers and unlock their full potential.

– Foster Change: Participate in dialogues aimed at changing narratives and dismantling the cultural foundations of gender inequity.

– Network and Grow:Connect with like-minded individuals and organizations committed to making a difference in the lives of women worldwide.

Our conference provides a unique opportunity for women to come together, share ideas, and gain the knowledge and tools needed to soar. We are committed to creating a world where women are recognized for their invaluable contributions to society and are given the space to grow and contribute to global development.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Be part of a movement that celebrates women’s achievements and tackles the challenges head-on. Together, we can change narratives and pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable world. Your voice matters, and this International Women’s Day, let’s unite to amplify it.

International Women’s Day Conference 2023 Gallery



Contact Us

Purchase Tickets


April 23
April 26


Custodian Global Consult
+447456382002 , +2348109271666
View Organizer Website


Route de la Corniche Ouest
Route de la Corniche Ouest
Région de Dakar, Senegal
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