Need for Speed: 81 year old woman Craves For High class speed Automobile.

by Duchess Magazine

This polish Grandmother still enjoys driving her 2016 Subaru WRX STI thereby Challenging the idea that elderly ladies are slow. 81-year-old Michalina Borowczyk-Jędrzeje is the proud owner of a 2016 Subaru WRX STI, a car that she enjoys taking out for a spin every single day.

Photographs and video clips of her driving the cool sports car have gone viral online, much to the amusement of younger Polish residents.


 Michalina revealed that she’s been passionate about fast cars since childhood. And now that she’s retired, she has plenty of time to drive around town in her favorite car. Some reports have suggested that the Subaru isn’t Michalina’s first car. she has apparently owned several Opels, a BMW, a Mazda, and a Honda before this. But Subaru has always been her favorite, and she saved up for 13 years before she could finally afford the €46,000 ($50,285) car. “I love the sound of its engine,” she said. “It purrs, it is a pleasure. This car has a soul, a heart, and unlike other cars, it got me hooked.”


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