Woman almost goes blind after mistaking super glue for eye drops.

by Duchess Magazine

A Chinese woman is pronounced lucky by doctors after she sealed her eyes shut when she mistook super glue for eye drops.

Zhao Xing Nvzi, 20, arrived at the Shenzhen Eye Hospital March and told doctors she had accidentally super-glued her eyes closed when she confused the adhesive for her contact lens re-wetting drops.

She was able avoided damage to her eyes thanks to her contact lenses, doctors said.

The hospital’s chief physician, Dr. Zhanhang Kai, said the woman did not want her eyelashes to be cut off, so he instead spent more than an hour carefully separating the woman’s lashes and eye lids. UPI News reported.

The doctor said the patient’s eyes were not harmed because her contact lenses prevented the adhesive from making direct contact.

Late last year, Katherine Gaydos of Florida mistook super glue for eye drops and sealed her right eye shut.

A doctor pried her eye open after it had been sealed for several days and determined she had avoided any serious injuries from the incident.


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