Kenya’s Juliana Rotich: Pioneering Technology for Crisis Management and Connectivity in Africa

by Joseph Omoniyi
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Juliana Rotich is a name synonymous with innovation and resilience in the tech world. A Kenyan information technology professional, Rotich has significantly impacted how crisis information is managed and how communities stay connected during outages. Her co-founding of iHub and Ushahidi showcases her commitment to leveraging technology for social good, making her an influential figure in both the tech and humanitarian sectors.

Born in 1977 in Kenya, Rotich’s journey from local schools to the University of Missouri–Kansas City, where she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, laid the foundation for her illustrious career. Her professional path took her from Sprint Nextel Corporation to InterCall Inc., and then to National Seminars Group and Hewitt Associates. Each role added layers to her expertise, but it was in 2008 that her career took a pivotal turn.

Rotich co-founded Ushahidi, an open-source software platform designed to map and collect crisis information. Ushahidi, meaning “testimony” in Swahili, was first deployed during the 2007-2008 Kenyan presidential election crisis. The platform’s ability to crowdsource and geolocate information via mobile phones and the web has since been used globally in countries like Chile, Japan, and Haiti. Rotich’s leadership as Executive Director from 2011 to 2015 helped cement Ushahidi’s status as a critical tool in crisis reporting.

In 2010, recognizing the frequent power outages in Nairobi, Rotich co-founded BRCK Inc., a company that developed a rugged, battery-operated modem capable of maintaining internet connectivity during blackouts. This innovation addressed a significant infrastructure challenge and further demonstrated Rotich’s ability to create solutions tailored to local needs.

Beyond her entrepreneurial ventures, Rotich has been an active voice in environmental and technological discourse. As a blogger for and Environmental Editor for Global Voices Online, she has highlighted both the potential and challenges of technology in Africa. Her public speaking engagements, including a notable presentation at the 2014 Design Indaba Conference in Cape Town, have underscored her thought leadership in sustainable development.

Rotich’s influence extends to several prestigious boards and advisory roles. She serves on the Kenya Vision 2030 Delivery Board and is a trustee of the Bankinter Foundation for Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Spain. Her corporate engagements include positions with Standard Group, BASF, Microsoft’s 4Afrika Advisory Council, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s AI Ethics and Safety Advisory Committee.

Her accolades are numerous, including being named Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur of the Year in Africa by the World Economic Forum and receiving the German Africa Prize in 2019 from Chancellor Angela Merkel. These honors reflect her longstanding commitment to fostering democracy, peace, and technological innovation.

As of 2022, Rotich has been leading Safaricom’s Fintech Integration Solutions, driving financial solutions anchored on the renowned M-Pesa platform. Her role at Safaricom continues to exemplify her dedication to leveraging technology to improve lives.

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