Women in Art: OluTimehin Kukoyi

by Hamid

Nigerian author, essayist, and public intellectual OluTimehin Kukoyi writing focuses on issues of feminism, urbanisation, urban sexuality, and gender. In addition, she writes fiction.

On This Is Africa, Africa Is A Country, Bella Naija, among other media, Kukoyi frequently writes about politics, gender issues, and other social topics. Different languages, including English, Japanese, and Norwegian, have published her writing.

She has been published by Klassekampen and works as a stringer for the Norwegian publication Bistandsaktuelt. Her work in Norwegian has been referenced in textbooks for junior colleges in Norway.

Who Belongs in a City? was the topic of Kukoyi’s talk at TEDGlobal in 2017. The presentation was ultimately chosen as one of the top ten presentations of the year by TED lead curator Chris Anderson. She took part in the Lagos Creative Writing Workshop organized by the Farafina Trust in 2015. She graduated from the BRITDOC Queer Impact Producers Lab and the FEMRITE program in Uganda in 2014. (2017).

Among the feminists of her generation in Nigeria and Africa, OluTimehin Kukoyi is well-known. She has a large readership among feminists and online activists thanks to her website, blog, Twitter, journalism, public speaking, and online activism.

She is renowned for fusing gender theory, social issues, and her experiences as a queer mother in Nigerian society. She has spoken on stages other than TED, including the AWID forum, the first Urban 20 Summit, the Oslo Urban Arena, the Women Deliver Conference, the Up Close and Liveable festival, and other colleges.

She received the Gerald Kraak Prize for nonfiction in 2019 for her work, “Mothers and Men.”

OluTimehin co-founded Nigeria-based creative consultancy, Square.

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