#ReppingHerAwesome Duchess Leading Ladies – Jenny Chika Okafor

by Duchess Magazine

Still in the spirit of International Women’s Day, as we laud the achievements of remarkable women all over the world, we proudly celebrate the birth of one of such women avidly impacting her world, Jenny Chika Okafor!

England-born Nigerian leading Attorney and Civil Rights Advocate Jenny Chika Okafor is founder and president of the Nigerian Women In Diaspora Leadership Forum (NWIDLF), a leading initiative focused on “Celebrating Women of Character, Courage, and Commitment. Through her vision, powered via the NWIDLF, the girl child is encouraged to embrace her full leadership potentials and utilize same in creating an enabling environment where the contribution of women to nation-building is recognized.

Born in England but originally from Abatete in Anambra State and raised in Nigeria, Okafor, ever passionate about equality, justice, and fairness, never fails to lend her voice in the fight for the marginalized and oppressed.

The top career woman, a renowned socio-political critic, and writer is also passionate about humanity and often utilizes her expertise, time, money, and resources via donations, fundraisers as well as blogging for its betterment.

Under her leadership, the NWIDLF has spearheaded several projects with aim of putting an end to child marriages and equipping the girl child in Nigeria.

Jenny Chika Okafor sits on the board of directors of several charities, including the Pamela Douglas Foundation Worldwide.

She had her education at Howard University School of Law.

Jenny Chika Okafor, one of Nigeria’s pride waving the flag high in the diaspora, we heartily celebrate you on your special day today! Cheers to more power and wins!

Jenny Chika Okafor

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