#MondayMotivation ?? Be Awesome! 5 Powerful Daily Reminders You Should Totally Embrace In Your Quest For Success

by Duchess Magazine

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress, simultaneously.” – Sophia Bush

YOU dictate it! Agreed, life doesn’t always come with glitters and sparkles: some days can be super fabulous, other days, not some much, sometimes it’s a bumpy ride with hurdles and setbacks at your every turn.


Fact is, challenges are a given in our quest for success and as unbelievable as it might sound at that very moment, even the most positive, bravest and super successful folk struggle through motivation when said circumstance seems to be pretty damn great at dampening even our best effort – but – your response is all that matters!

First off, don’t beat yourself up! Don’t let situations dampen your shine or even question who you are. It’s a NORMAL passing phase and yes, you will always get through whatever situation you seem entangled with, with patience, the right attitude and right people around, things rightfully get back on track.

5 daily reminders to help you get by when tough times come:

1. Your dreams are valid: Give self-doubt the boot:

Everyone experiences self doubt at some point in their lives but, thing is you’ve got to learn to silence that inner negative voice so you can boldly chase your dreams. Do not shortchange yourself. You are capable. You are worthy. You are enough. Don’t let fear hold you down. Take a flight NOW. You might not feel quite “ready” yet, brutal reality? You never quite will feel a 100% ready. Learn to build up on your strengths instead. Start now inspite your fears and past failures.

2. It’s never too late: A world of opportunities await. It’s not too late, you’re not too old either to be who you might have been.
Granted, maybe you haven’t quite measured up, maybe one look at your past makes you feel like crawling into a hole! Rise up, show up everyday and build the present. You got now, embrace the moment and create the life you want.

3. It’s okay to be afraid: Fear is normal but let your passion take lead. It’s okay not to want to fail, but we often forget failure is important because it helps teach ways not to go. Learn from and rise above it. Bounce back stronger! After all, you never know until you try. It’s easier to forgive self for failing, than never trying at all. Do, inspite of fear.

4. Quiting is never an option: You’ve got this. Keep trying, keep pushing, keep moving. The road won’t be smooth, you might tend to get overwhelmed, keep focus, keep striving and raise that head up. Take baby steps when you feel like you’re losing focus. No one said success was easy, truth be told, it’s no fun, but, it’s well worth it! With trial comes experience and then expertise. Brace up!

5. Success doesn’t fall on your lap: you can wish all you want, pray all you want too but if you don’t put in work, if you don’t go out and grind, nothing is going to happen. Open your eyes to the endless possibilities out there. Fight for your dreams and make it happen! Take action.

You Got This ??

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