Grace Alexander:

by Duchess Magazine

The Award winning Change Agent Creating Awareness And Championing Inclusion For The SEND CHILD ?? In a world where disability is being frowned upon breeding contempt, neglect, stigmatization and therefore loneliness and isolation, Grace Alexander, Founder and CEO of Star Children Initiative (SCI) is at the forefront helping create awareness, preaching inclusion, fair representation as well as fighting for the rights of persons with disabilities.

The voice of change for all persons with disabilities especially youths, women and girls, highlighting various challenges faced by them in areas including but not restricted to education, domestic violence, leadership and economic development, Grace has also collaborated with many organisations in the Uk and Nigeria, to mention a few, such as CAMHS/NHS East London Foundation UK, Commonwealth Secretariat UK, TWERP, Empower A Woman and members of House of Lords in UK where
several series of summits aimed at promoting a more inclusive society have been held.

Grace’s outstanding work has fetched her many awards both in her home country Nigeria and Uk – she is also a recipient of Hackney 100 Women Award 2019 for her services to disability issues in the Borough of Hackney UK.

A trained social worker in United Kingdom, drawing from her personal experience as a parent of a SEND child – a mother of 25 years young man who was diagnosed with epilepsy and global developmental delay at age 7, Grace’s concern stemed from the sense of isolation many parents of SEND children experience where there is less sensitivity to the challenges faced by the children and their families, having experienced it first hand.

In order to help with enlightenment, her organisation through development of ‘community sensitisation’ such as building a network of peer support, helps connect families with resources to enable them learn about how they can best support their respective disabled children.
Grace is also a co founder/Lead Convener of Every Women Matters UK Summit, a non profit organisation which tackles development issues relating to the Girl Child, Women, Youths etc. ?


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