#EmpowerHer : The Rise Of Zimbabwean Born Valerie Moran: Wealthiest Black Woman In UK 2019

by Duchess Magazine
Valerie Moran: Wealthiest Black Woman In UK 2019

“What I do today is not just a job. It is my passion, my dream and it is personal” – Valerie Moran, the first black female to make the Sunday Times Rich List 2019 (worth £122 million) which showcases the wealthiest 1000 people within the United Kingdom.

Born into a family of five to an extremely hardworking ambitious father helming several businesses, who was orphaned from a young age and an enterprising beautician mother from Zimbabwe, Valerie, greatly inspired by her entreprenuerial parent’s tenacity, drive and self belief drew from the hands-on experiences. She studied COBOL/Fotran/C ( Programming Language.)

As a qualified Systems Analyst in Zimbabwe, due to lack of work for a Woman-In-Tech, she moved to London as a young woman in search for better, she became Employee No.1 at PFS. Today looking back at her entreprenuerial journey, there is no debate, the business mogul has no doubt earned her spot in the history books.

A critical survey of the world’s richest people and we see the consistent sobering reality; when it comes to wealth building, many thanks to systematic inequality, ditto, racially exclusionary unfavourable policies, the black community has been placed at the lower end of the spectrum, proof of which reflects in lower revenue streams in today’s world.

Trailblazing business mogul Valerie Moran proudly stands amongst black queens defying the odds, rewriting the narrative and paving way for the next generation of empowered wealth builders everly passionate about uplifting others. The business leader who grabs seat as the first and only black female to make the top 1,000 wealthiest people in the Sunday Times Rich List 2019 is one of today’s most successful and Influential figures in the United Kingdom.

With a stacked up resume of accomplishments many thanks to her passion, hard work, ambition, drive, ever ready to take on a new challenge and being a firm believer of creating one’s world by self and paving way for others, Valerie Moran, Head of Operations and Client Relations at Prepaid Financial Services and hubby, Noel Moran, the company’s Chief Executive jointly own 81% share of the award winning company and clinch the tag Power Couple; Noel Moran was named the 2019 European Entrepreneur of the year and showcased at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Prepaid Financial Services was also awarded The Queen’s Award for Enterprise: International Trade 2017 by HRH Queen Elizabeth II and the British Government. Including Business of the Year Award from the European Business Awards (2019).

The Launch;

A qualified systems analyst by profession, having worked in several other industries over the past years with a large portfolio of experience, teaming up with her boyfriend – now husband Noel Moran who was the brain behind the idea, decades ago, the duo kicked off plans to launch their fintech company Prepaid Financial Services right from their kitchen table in their shared apartment in London. The business was launched during recession with no capital injection but they pushed real hard and it grew to mega heights, becoming one of the most successful financial technology companies in Europe with staggering annual revenue to show. PFS, a firm crusader of diversity and inclusion in the tech world has large workforce of nearly 45% ethnic minorities across its offices in the United Kingdom.

In April 2020, the duo who always knew they were going to sell, finally saw the right partner in EML Payments, they sold Fintech giant Prepaid Financial Services (PFS) with great value on both sides evidently. However, the leading executive still has a busy table in recent times which involves managing several other businesses outside PFS on a day-to-day basis, looking for ways to expand the growth of her other business as well as empowering women and beefing up philanthropy.


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