Young African American Entrepreneurs Help Black-Owned Hair Care Company Soar Worldwide

by Duchess Magazine

— FLOW Industry offers a unique business opportunity to teens and adults to make money helping fight baldness and hair loss —
Nationwide — FLOW Industry, a new Black-owned company that has exploded to the top of the $700 billion dollar hair care industry with the creation of natural hair regrow products, has grown extremely fast thanks to several African American teens that make up nearly half of the 6,000 independent business owners within the company.
According to Raven L. Mahdee, an independent business owner with the company, “FLOWindustry has made a brilliant move and conscience decision to focus on teens, especially African Americans because they know these teens are often ignored or just plain forgotten about by segments of American society.”
There are several factors that teens and young adults seem to appreciate about the business opportunity:
* That the products actually work, and can be used by both kids and adults.
* That it’s a very simple and fun business to operate.
* That they are learning how to be self employed.
* That it’s very easy and simple for them to generate full-time or supplemental income.
Mahdee comments, “The joy that really gets the teens equally excited is they are bringing their parents and other family and friends into the company and working as a team helping each other reach their desired goals and dreams.” He says that even though the company is Black-owned, a lot of other ethnicities have used the products with success and have seen the financial potential and have also started to position themselves within the company.
About FLOW Industry
FLOW Industry is being called the best new company of 2016 for its new and unique products and business model that offers teens and adults a chance to build financial independence without a limit being placed on their earnings. Doctors, nurses, lawyers, stay-at-home moms and other professioanls are using the products and joining the business. Teens, however, must be at least 16 years old and must have their parents’ permission.
For more information about joining the company and/or to order the products, or send an email to

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