Tsitsi Masiyiwa: The ‘Helping Hand’ of Africa

by Duchess Magazine

Who is Tsitsi Masiyiwa?

Tsitsi Masiyiwa is a super cool lady from Africa who loves helping people and making the world a better place. She started a foundation called Higherlife Foundation with her husband, Strive, in 1996. This foundation helps out in lots of ways like education, health, food security, and getting ready for disasters. Tsitsi also started Delta Philanthropies in 2017 to help even more people in Africa.

What Has Tsitsi Done?

In March 2024, Tsitsi Masiyiwa got a special award from Bryant University for all the awesome things she’s done. She’s the boss of Higherlife Foundation, which helps out in Africa by giving kids a chance to go to school and use cool technology. Tsitsi also started Delta Philanthropies to help people in Africa get better at stuff and be healthy.

Why is Tsitsi Important?

Over the past 20 years, Tsitsi and her husband have helped more than 250,000 students in Zimbabwe, Burundi, and Lesotho get a good education. Tsitsi is like a superhero in the world of helping others. She gives advice to universities, leaders, and other people who want to make the world a better place. Tsitsi is also a proud mom to her daughter, Vimbainashe, who graduated from Bryant in 2017.

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