This Woman Decided to Do a Solo Wedding Shoot After Being Diagnosed With Terminal Cancer

by Duchess Magazine

The photos are absolutely gorgeous.

Four years ago, 27-year-old Q May Chen of Taipei, Taiwan, beat breast cancer. But two years later, it came back, and this time it had advanced to a terminal diagnosis.

So, as a present to herself, Chen decided to achieve one of her lifelong dreams:to have a beautiful wedding shoot, solo.

Chen told that she’s loved dressing up, taking photos and feeling beautiful ever since she was a child. Like many of her friends, she dreamed of the day that she would be able to have a glamorous photo shoot on her wedding day, but she was always waiting for the right guy, and the right time to do it. But when she got sick, she realized that the only time is now, and the only person she needs is herself.

“Time is very valuable, every moment can not be wasted,”she said. “I do not have to wait; I can complete my own dream.”

She used wore four different wedding gowns on the big day, each one representing a different side of her. “The red is for personality, pink is sweet, white yarn is princess, and gauze is sexy,” she said.

The photoshoot took place at a manor in Yangming Mountain, which it’s fair to say looks straight out of a fairytale.

Since her photos have been picked up by the media, May says she’s received many messages of support from people who say she’s inspired them. The fact that her photoshoot has managed to remind people to make use of the “limited time we all have” has, May explains, made it even more special and empowering.

Next, Chen is planning to take herself on a honeymoon to Bali, to fulfill another dream.

From: Cosmopolitan

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