The Gorgeous Bantu knots.

by Duchess Magazine


The Bantu Knots,is a traditional African hairstyle that’s been around for over a thousand years has been reinvented in recent times and fashionable ladies, especially those rocking their natural hair have embraced this hair style with gusto! Bantu knot, is a protective style for both natural and relaxed hair.

Your hair could be straight, curly, wavy, and super curly and it will hold and be beautiful. For some, it’ll create looser waves, and for others it will have a cute “curly q” effect with a head of tight, springy curls. The strength of the Bantu knots actually lies in the patterns that are created on the scalp for the knots. Those patterns can be so intricate and very beautiful. It doesn’t take a ton of tools and very little money to do it. This style is formed when your hair is twisted around itself until it forms a knot that resembles a stack of tires.

The bantu knots is widely accepted as celebrities worldwide embrace this style with good approach.

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