by Duchess Magazine

Here is a message we received in our inbox. We will appreciate your contributions on this issue. Remember that a problem shared is a problem half solved. If you have an issue bothering you, feel free to send a mail to

Dear Duchess,

My name is Stephanie Nweke, I am married with two daughters, we have been encountering lot of financial problems, I always pray with good faith that things would be good in due time, I did not complain so much about it. but shortly my husband told me he was travelling on a business trip in search of greener pastures, that he does not like our present situation and he needs to make a drastic change.

He gathered money and left in search of greener pastures for 5 years now he has not been communicating well with us or even sending anything for our upkeep, I am surprised about his actions. He called me from Belgium just last month to relocate to our family house in the village for no good reason, saying since I was not able to carter for my daughters, I should go home and stay with the old ones at home. I tried calling his number back times without number but to no avail.

I am presently stranded and not resourceful, I don’t know what to do presently,  if I should I go back to the village with our children who were born in the city? What will be the fate of my children? What jobs will I start doing to make ends meet?

Duchess, Please women should help me out with good advice.


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