Sili Recio Appointed Democracy Collaborative’s Senior Communications Director

by Duchess Magazine

Non-profit The Democracy Collaborative (TDC) has announced writer, speaker, strategist, Sili Recio is its newest Senior Communications Director.

Recio replaces journalist and activist Isaiah J. Poole who will continue to collaborate with TDC as a consultant.

The announcement was made on March 14 by the Democracy Collaborative’s president, Ted Howard who expressed his excitement about Recio being the perfect candidate owing to her extensive professional background and experience, hence the appointment.

“Sili will bring exceptional skills to our team as a communicator, organizer, and deft manager of both people and projects. She is committed to our mission of systemic change and is excited to lead us in new ways of communicating our message.”

Recio, former Vice President of Digital Strategy at MomsRising brings almost two decades worth of experience spanning digital strategy, communications, and project management. Prior to transitioning into the VP role in 2021 Recio served as the National Director of Social Media at the non-profit organization for four years.

When asked about her vision for TDC, Recio told Black Enterprise, “My vision for this organization is simple– to continue to lead a transformational narrative as the work of this organization is the fulcrum for the systemic change that is so desperately needed, not only in this country but the world over.”

“I am excited to lend my experience, creativity and voice to this passionate team as we work toward advancing TDC’s vision, theory, policy, narrative, and practice of its mission statement,” she added.

The Democracy Collaborative is a 501 non-profit, American think tank and research center founded at the University of Maryland in 2000 by Howard and historian and activist Gar Alperovitz. The consortium was founded on the principles of “community.” The “research and demonstration lab for the democratic economy” advocates for community wealth-building and other strategies that move broad-based ownership and control of the economy forward.

Recio, a mother of one is also an accomplished author of the bestselling children’s book– “If Dominican Were A Color.”

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