The muse i can not mute
The peaceful rhythm of a joyful soul
The purple song of a green spirit
Harping with golden sharpers a glorious band
O how i feel like a celebrity.
Behold the angels of a serene world
Unveiling the cloud of melody and harmony,
Raising the tune of trumpeters and fluters
Hear the timbrel and tambourine
The holy orchestra in blue valleys
The divine choir and army of mountains
What a sensation of great tribute!
Windy whispers of pipers in one accord
All in unison, i hear their celebration
O i feel like a celebrity.
Coloured in fame, and gorgeous glory
Decorated in beauty, humbled in honour
Adorned with precious stones
Paraded in might
Worn the ornaments of non-fading scents
Betrothed to the king, declared the queen
O what a celebrity!
Tens of needs pointing
Hundreds of wants longing
Thousands of thorns piercing
Numerous challenges pressing
Still i feel like a celebrity.
Behind my smiles and pains
God surronds my fainting heart
Beneath my slipping feet
God supports my feeble knees,
In a world so restless
God calms my troubled breasts
So i feel like a celebrity.
His power, my strength
His grace, my pride
His love, my hope
His peace, my path
His mercy, my ladder
His light, my apex
His sheild, my succour
You dare not, how crazy i feel
Feeling like a celebrity!
Today, the day the lord has made
The day i was born
O i feel like a celebrity
About Author
Ngozi Olivia Osuoh a is a Nigerian poet/writer. She has published many works in some foreign magazines in Ghana, Liberia, Canada, India, USA, Kenya, among others.
She is a passionate writer and a graduate of Estate Management.