Osas Ajibade & her Baby Bump are the stars of Genevieve Mag’s June 2016 Issue

by Duchess Magazine

You can see the joy Osas Ajibade is radiating as she and her husband Gbenroprepare to welcome their first child.
Actress and Mum-in-waiting Osas Ajibade is the Genevieve Magazine June 16′ cover girl. While her pregnancy, which Genevieve Magazine exclusively broke a few weeks ago, is no longer news; her interview on why she would still choose Gbenro over any billionaire and that moment when Gbenro saw what she had been hiding from the world makes a compelling read.
She also opens up on why her pregnancy was such a big secret until she was ready to come out with it.
We also have some interesting perspectives on the pressure to “marry at thirty” from Chigurl, Linda Ikeji and Sonia Irabor.
Osas-Ajibade-Gbenro-Ajibade-Baby Osas-Ajibade-Genevieve-1 Osas-Ajibade-Genevieve-2
Photography: August Udoh
Creative Director: Segun Oluwole
Styling: Ifeoma Odogwu
Fashion assistant: Annette Odimegwu
Makeup: Jane For Flawless by Jane Hair
Hair: Jordan Olu for Hairdome
Outfit: Toju Foyeh

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