My Husband Wants Me to Have Sex with My Boss to Get Money from Him – What Should I Do?

by Duchess Magazine
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Dear readers,

I never imagined I’d be in this situation, but here I am, torn and confused, not knowing which path to take. I need your advice, and I don’t know who else to turn to. My story hasn’t reached the point of no return, but I’m on the brink of a decision that could change my life forever.

I work for a man who owns a successful soap factory. He’s wealthy and influential, someone who has helped me in many ways over the years. On the outside, he seems like a great man. However, he’s married to a hot-tempered woman who everyone at work knows is not to be crossed.

Over time, I began to notice subtle signs that my boss was interested in me—more than just as an employee. I pretended not to notice, hoping it would go away. Then, one day, he finally made his intentions clear. He wanted me to be his mistress, to have an affair with him behind his wife’s back. When he first approached me, I was shocked and refused immediately. But he didn’t take no for an answer. He gave me 48 hours to think about it, threatening that if I didn’t agree, I would lose my job.

My heart sank. My job isn’t just about me—it’s the lifeline for my entire family. My husband runs a small tattoo parlor, but his income barely covers the essentials. My salary supports him, his aging parents, my younger sister who lives with us, and myself. If I lost my job, we’d all be in trouble. I was terrified of what would happen next.

I turned to my husband for advice, hoping he would reassure me that we could find another way. But instead, he shocked me by urging me to agree to my boss’s demands. He saw it as an opportunity to “secure our future,” and even encouraged me to string my boss along to get as much money as possible. The plan, according to him, was to drain my boss financially and use the money to relocate abroad, starting a new life.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. My own husband wanted me to sell my body for money. He convinced me that it was for the best, that it was temporary, and that no one else had to know. Reluctantly, I agreed.

Over the next year and a half, I extracted as much money as I could from my boss, all of it going into my husband’s personal account. I felt disgusted with myself, but I kept telling myself it was for the greater good. But despite all the money, my husband wasn’t satisfied. He wanted more. He pushed me to continue the affair for another six months, and by this point, I felt trapped, like there was no way out.

Then, everything came crashing down. One day, I came home from work to find our house completely empty. My husband was gone, leaving behind a letter I couldn’t even bring myself to read. As I stood there, confused and heartbroken, I heard a knock on the door.

It was my boss’s wife. She wasn’t alone—two men were with her. The rage in her eyes is something I will never forget. The only words I remember her saying were, “So I’m sharing my husband with this thing?”

Before I could react, everything went dark.

ALSO READ: How Lack of Sex Can Affect a Woman’s Mood

When I woke up, I was in the hospital. My face… was ruined. She had thrown acid at me, disfiguring me beyond recognition.

Now, I am left to wonder—what did I get myself into? Should I have said no from the start? Should I have fought harder against my husband’s twisted plan? Or was I just trying to protect my family in the only way I thought possible?

I know it hasn’t happened yet. The affair hasn’t started. But I am standing at the edge, wondering whether this path is worth it.

Please, dear readers, help me make sense of this. What should I do?

— Conflicted Wife

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