My Fiance Wants To Leave Me For His Ex

by Duchess Magazine

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Dear Duchess,

I’m 26 years old and I’m really not into dating people, but I met this guy and he was a total sweetheart. I decided not to date because my last relationship ended in a mess. The guy I dated for two years cheated on me with my so called best friend. However, this new guy that I met was just too good. He called me every day; we spent weekends together, things got serious and he eventually proposed.Two months after the proposal, I  found out that he had dated another girl very close to one of my female friends and she claims to still be in love with this guy. To cut the long story short, he told me recently that he is still in love that girl. I was so confused, it doesn’t make sense to me how this happened all of a sudden. I am heartbroken, I feel betrayed, I feel like everything he said to me was fake. Should I let him go? How do I get him to love me again? Please advise me.

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Yolanda Faubel January 25, 2016 - 8:44 am

You can’t make some one love you, they either love you or they don’t. Everyone thinks and acts different, I have a similar story. I fell in love with a man that claimed to love me, he showed me love, showered me with gifts, he catered to my need and the needs of my children. In my eyes he was the best thing that could happen to me. During our 5 month engagement, I found out that he had been sleeping with his ex girlfriend. I broke my heart, my self esteem dropped, I was lost, I could not function, as a result of all the pain and anger, I developed, not only low self esteem, stress, anxiety and depression. We had counseling, I had therapy, I went as far as visiting a psychologist and went through hypnosis sessions, all to help me heal.. None of it worked. After 4 years of that toxic relationship, I finally decided to stop all communication with him, blocked him on face book, did not return calls and I even moved firms, which we worked together. It took almost a year after, that I was able to let go. I have now forgave both and moved on. I am still healing and i fell much better about myself. I hope you find peace and love, if not with him, on your own or with someone else… Only time will tell. Good luck

fiverr backlinks March 9, 2016 - 12:24 am

A big thank you for your article.Really thank you! Fantastic.


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