“Mixed-ish” and K.C. Undercover Trinitee Stokes accepted into college at age 14 with merit scholarship

by Duchess Magazine

American child actress, singer and fashion designer! She’s got a lot on her table but make no mistake, there’s no stopping her!

Trinitee Stokes from Jackson, Mississippi, known for her role as Judy Cooper in the Disney Channel television series K.C. Undercover and Tamika on Mixed-ish is set to become one of the youngest students to attend college.

The excited star took to Instagram to announce the amazing news but didn’t give details.

She has always had a good head on her shoulder but that didn’t mean she would just let fate do the work:

“The college classes, especially during COVID-19, I just stacked up and stacked up all of my learning and it equated to my teacher saying, ‘You’re going to be graduating this semester.’ I was like no way!” Trinitee told WAPT.

Even while younger, she showed outstanding academic skills. She was able to skip 2nd grade and take college classes in middle school but she’s ever thankful to her parents for guiding her in her career and studies.

“I remember when I was younger I would say I’m not really feeling school today, and my mom was like if you make bad grades, you’re not going to set today. So, that helped me maintain all As and Bs throughout school,” she said.

Stokes who hasn’t revealed much about her college choice said she will most likely be studying political communication with a minor in public diplomacy.

Well done!

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