Lawyer creates Staffing firm for Black Attorneys, Law Students, and Legal Professionals

by Duchess Magazine

Rana Coleman, Founder & CEO of RSColeman & Associates, LLC, is staying put on her goal of creating more visibility for Black Legal Professionals with the launch of the company’s new staffing division.

She desires to open doors for African Americans in getting legal positions in any of the legal fields so blacks can have more representatives in the Legal firm. From her working experience handling several positions, she hardly sees blacks and this makes her sad because it’s not as if they don’t have the credentials, knowledge, and passion for the field.

In her words “The legal industry has witnessed tremendous growth over the years, with several practices and other stakeholders emerging to deliver the best possible solutions to clients. Unfortunately, African Americans as well as other minorities have not been duly represented in the industry, which is where RSColeman & Associates, LLC is looking to make a difference with the launch of the new division.

“Right now, 3% of attorneys are black women many choosing to walk away from the field because of lack of opportunity,” explained Coleman. “According to Bloomberg, African Americans only make up a total of 10.6% of the entire legal profession.”

She continued; “At one of the major law firms, I had the opportunity to work for I noticed that there were only three African Americans working there out of a staff of about 40 people myself included,” stated Coleman. “Seeing that really pushed me to get my company off the ground, because I could no longer ignore the need to find a way to create more employment opportunities for African Americans in the legal sector.”

Along with facilitating opportunities for African Americans and other minority groups within the legal industry, RSColeman & Associates Staffing aims to provide firms and corporations the opportunity to make a positive impact on diversity and inclusion.

RSColeman & Associates is an emerging full-service law firm and nonprofit organization equipped to provide legal services in every major area of law to underserved populations within the African American and other ethnic minority communities.

This move by Rana Coleman will exponentially change the Legal charts in the United States.

Coleman is a graduate of the University of Detroit Mercy where she studied Law. And with over 15 years of experience, she will gladly use it to change the narrative for blacks in legal professionals.

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