Knowles Makes History; the First Black Woman to Compose for NYC Ballet

by Hamid

The New York City Ballet has revealed that Knowles will compose the music for their Fall Fashion Gala, making her the first Black woman to do so.

The occasion, which is marking its tenth anniversary, will make its debut at Lincoln Center in New York City on September 28.

At 36, Solange Knowles, a song writer and singer and a native of Houston, as part of the music composition will perform a choreography by Gianna Riesen. In response to her new success, she tweeted “Very excited to announce I’ve composed an original score for the New York City Ballet…”

Knowles, Beyoncé’s younger sister, is a great pop artist and has a flourishing music  career. Most of her songs speak about the experiences of Black women. Four tracks from her 2016 album “A Seat at the Table” made it to the top of Hot R&B Songs chart, giving it widespread success. The same year, she received a Grammy for “Cranes in the Sky,” her single, for best R&B performance. She is also an activist and her art has contributed to Black Lives Matter.

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