Kelly Rowland Spills On Birthing Experience; Says She Gave Birth On Zoom While Family Watched

by Duchess Magazine
Kelly Rowland and family

Pandemic or not, Kelly Rowland didn’t allow circumstance get in the way of connecting with family and keeping  memories alive.

Being Pregnant in the pandemic no doubt brought on its set of challenges and dishing on the experience during an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, Kelly Rowland revealed how she was able to involve her family while birthing her son, Noah.

Responding to Ellen’s host, Kalen Allen who remarked that he heard the singer gave birth over Zoom, mum of two, Rowland confirmed it saying:

“Well, you know, the last time when I had (my first son) Titan, my family was in there, and this time they weren’t. You know…everybody was feeling a way about that, because we like to, you know, be at each other’s births, and so yeah, we got a Zoom and everyone was there. I mean, you know, the proper angle only,” she said, without spilling much on the specific details.

New mom of two Kelly Rowland and family

New mom of two Kelly Rowland and family out for Easter

In response, Allen laughed, adding that the whole birthing experience with close family being present during the child’s birth unlike it being restricted to the father was totally amazing.

On how big brother Titan is responding to the shift, Kelly said:

“I’m happy, and my son is absolutely in love with his baby brother, and we’re just really happy,” Rowland gushed. “It’s really sweet. The house is very sweet. I love it.”

He then asked:

“I understand that Beyoncé and Michelle have met Noah. What’s it like when you get together with your families…?”

Rowland opening up on her long-standing Destiny’s Child friendships; Beyoncé Knowles and Michelle Williams, stated that she loves her “girls,” while also referring to them as “sisters,” which underscores their bond beyond the high-profile music industry connection.

“It’s really amazing, you know. I remember, like I have pictures of course of them holding him, and like just loving on him, and hugging him and everything, you know. But I always say like Destiny’s Child is one thing. That’s singing together and winning awards, and everything like that, but the friendship that we share, is still to this day. I just can’t even tell you,” Rowland continued. “I love my girls, my sisters.”



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