Kandi Burruss’ Business Stances Are To Become A Law Course In Georgia State University

by Hamid

As a business enthusiast in music, acting, reality TV, fashion, and adult toys, Kandi Burruss is still on the pace of curating more streams of income. 

Now, her business acumen will be the focus of a new course at Georgia State University, the institution announced. 

This fall, Professor Mo Ivory will offer Georgia State Law students a chance to study Burruss’ entrepreneurial moves. Ivory will guide law students through the deals and contracts that have built Burruss’ brand. Students will also role-play contract negotiations and hear from key players in her career, including her mother, attorneys, manager, and more.

“I chose Kandi because she has an amazing career, which spans every aspect of the entertainment industry from music, television and live performance to licensing, apparel and more,” Ivory said. “She handles her business and it shows with her success, but all the while she’s completely approachable and willing to share her lessons learned. I couldn’t be happier for my students to learn the law through Kandi’s career.”

Instagram/ Kandi Burruss

As an Atlanta native, Burruss expressed her great excitement for the honor from a highly-respected state school.

“I am honored to be part of this year’s curriculum at Georgia State University College of Law,” she said. “Attorneys are among the most important members of your team. It’s imperative you have the right lawyers around you to assist in making the best decisions. Every contract you sign is building towards your overall dreams and goals. I’m excited to see the students get a first-hand look into some of the contracts that have shaped my career thus far.”

The course will be a part of the “Legal Life…” series under the Entertainment, Sports and Media Law Initiative. Last year, students got an in-depth look at Ludacris’ business portfolio.

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