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Dear Duchess,
I am Nadia, I really need a counsel on this situation befalling me, What must I do to show him that there is no connection anymore?
I have been with my husband for 12 years and we have two kids aged 11 and seven. I am still married but I have lost interest.
He has been a heavy drinker for almost 10 of the years that I have known him. I have been fighting over this but not winning until now, when he has decided to change. I feel like he’s been leaving my heart little by little; it is too late, as all the time I have been hurt and he did not see it.
Now I don’t love him anymore
I am trying to pretend but it is killing me. I tried to explain to him how I feel but he is still convinced that I will love him again.
He is buying gifts for me but still I am not getting any happiness in my heart. I wish I could learn to love him again but I don’t know if I can. I even pray that he can find a girlfriend so maybe he will see the reality in my explanation. I feel pity for him after telling him how I feel. I don’t know if is normal.
Please help me!