Uplifting Hands, Spreading Joy And Making The World Better One Person A Time: Happy Birthday To A Rare Gem – Blessing Aliu!

by Duchess Magazine


It’s not just about living the PERFECT life, aka the good life. Big picture: YOU glide out of bed, flip your hair and stroll round your empire with your every desire staring you in the face – that’s an illusion, it’s about living a RICH life. Rather, than letting the world revolve around us, we should endeavour to lead quality lives where we consciously yearn to impact souls; uplifting hearts, spreading cheer and making a difference, ultimately leaving footprints in the sand of time.

Capturing Precious Priceless Moments And Creating Beautiful Memories:

Life can be overwhelming, even for the most accomplished of individuals, but we must learn to understand life isn’t a competition. You’ve got your own race so learn to embrace the present, be proud of accomplishments and celebrate milestones. Live that amazing life you’ve got! In spirit of this, we celebrate one of life’s most beautiful souls.

Today we raise our glasses in celebration of one of Nigeria’s most precious jewels, a woman of refined taste, elegance and poise, an industrious and assiduous woman whose mission to impact her world cannot but be applauded, she is Founder B&M Fashion: Metro Atlanta’s hottest African Boutique and charity initiative, B&M Caring Hands: an NGO dedicated to supporting expecting mothers, ensuring provision of accessible health care, home and in diaspora, Atlanta, Blessing Aliu!

Although currently resident outside her home country, the top entrepreneur, a proud indegine of Edo state, Nigeria had her roots firmly at home; she had her secondary school education at Our Ladys of Lourdes Girls Grammar School Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, before proceeding to the University of Phoenix Atlanta Ga. for her Degree.

Driven by passion and an unquenchable thirst to touch lives, Blessing Aliu continues to spread her wings across various fields with glowing testimonials to show.

A hard worker, go-getter and selfless spirit everly passionate about others, there’s no stopping her!

The highly successful entrepreneur and philanthropist is a proud mum of two: Bowofoluwa Victor Aliu (son) and Omosewa Michelle Aliu (daughter).

Salute to a woman of substance! From Duchess International Magazine we say Cheers to your new age ma’am ?

Continue to age with grace✨✨✨

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