Happy Birthday to a Diva Mimi Orjiekwe

by Duchess Magazine


IFUNAYA MIMI ORJIEKWE is a Nigerian born Model, Scriptwriter, Actress and presenter. Born July 14th 1987 to a Christian family and raised in Enugu. A graduate of Caritas University, one of Nigerian finest private institution situated at the eastern part of Nigeria “Enugu”.

MIMI rise to fame in the late 2000s, featured prominently in over 10 Nollywood Epic movies as lead and supporting character.
Mimi 5 ft 11 inches tall is among the most favoured up and coming actress in Nollywood. It was revealed on October 2009 by the International African Ambassadors during the Miss African Queen 2009, held at Nike lake resort, Enugu Nigeria.
she won the Focus Face of the year Award and several national Awards. As a model she received several nominations in 2008/2009/2010/2011.
In Abuja, Mimi also joined the family business, (Lumokin Enterprise), holding the positing of the CEO/MD.
MIMI landed a lead role in the first Nigeria Action, television series THE UNDERGRADUATE. She really trapped the public’s eye, however, as the Charming and Glamorous Angelina Jo-lie. Mimi cemented her status as a rising star and a producer in 2011.
Her impeccable style and attitude gave her the edge over other celebrated hostess and actress to anchor the World Miss University Nigeria Contest, as exclusive presenter for 10 years.

We the staff of Duchess International Magazine are wishing you a happy birthday celebration! Join us in wishing her a happy birthday.

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