Duchess Daily Affirmation: I make meanings of life

by Joseph Omoniyi

As black and African women, we are often faced with challenges and obstacles in our daily lives, from discrimination and prejudice to the demands of our careers and families. But in the midst of all these difficulties, how do we find meaning and purpose in life?

We must start by embracing three key aspects: practicality, courage, and beauty of ourselves.

We must focus on doing the useful things. This means taking care of our responsibilities and doing what needs to be done in order to achieve our goals and provide for ourselves and our families. Whether it is working hard at our careers, managing our households, or volunteering in our communities, doing the useful things gives us a sense of purpose and helps us make a positive impact in the world.

But to truly find meaning in life, we must also be courageous and speak up for what we believe in. Whether it is advocating for social justice, standing up to discrimination and prejudice, or expressing our creative talents, speaking up takes courage, but it also helps us to connect with others and make a meaningful difference in the world.

Contemplating the beautiful things helps us to connect with our own inner selves and with the world around us. Whether it is immersing ourselves in nature, appreciating the arts, or simply taking time to reflect and meditate, contemplating the beautiful things helps us to find peace and balance in our lives.

By embracing these three key aspects of our lives, we can find meaning and purpose in life, no matter what challenges we may face. By doing the useful things, saying the courageous things, and contemplating the beautiful things, we can make a positive impact in the world, connect with others, and find joy and fulfillment in our lives.




Joseph Omoniyi



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