Dr Isatou Touray: Why I Want To Be President Of The Gambia

by Duchess Magazine

My name is Dr Isatou Touray and I am an independent candidate vying for the office of the President of the Republic of the Gambia.

In the last two decades I have traversed the length and breadth of this country, I have met hardworking men and women in the cities, towns and villages, and have heard your stories and aspirations.

I have also heard your frustrations; and I am inspired and motivated by you the Gambians, by your desire for change in the face of immense economic hardship, and restrictions on our freedom and personal liberty.

Alerted by a deep sense of concern for the Gambia, committed to our country’s advancement, unfettered by repression, abuse, impunity and persecution, I have observed the current dispensation over the years.

Those in power are not listening to the demands for political or economic reform. Conditions for political participation have been so crafted that political pluralism has been curtailed, generating a feeling of powerlessness among many. Too much power is concentrated in too few hands and we need a new approach to government that involves the people in decisions that affect them. Those who make decisions on behalf of others are too often not accountable.

If elected, I will restore the sovereignty of the people, end impunity and decentralise authority and power. I intend to serve only one term, during which period, I would work with all the existing parties and Gambians ready and willing to steer the Gambia towards a direction that will enable it to respond to the needs and aspirations of the people.

In this endeavor, I enlist your support in building a great future for our country.

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