African Community in Surrey & Sussex Hosts Family Summer Sit Down 2022

by Hamid

The African community in Surrey and Sussex, the United Kingdom experienced a swell time at the Family Summer Sit Down 2022 event organized by the African Community in Surrey and Sussex.

The Sit Down which lasted for 4hours featured different people of colour and race, mostly Africans who utilized the funtime to engage and interact with fellow African families and individuals. There were representations of African culture and tradition in the order of program as everyone excitedly participated.

With lots of games, food, drinks and music, the African Community experienced a synergy of mind, nostalgia, culture, traditions, folklores and African history.

As the purpose of the organization is, the African Community in Surrey and Sussex had a delightful time building love and togetherness. It is the aim of ACISS to bring, support and build Africans in this environment together, connect and have a formidable relationship that incurs personal and communal growth. This aim was very well achieved at the Family Sit Down time.

The family time together created an atmosphere of love, belonging, identity and unity amongst all participants. Segments such as the traditional drumming and dancing, African lores and mores gave the African feeling, vibe and taste to the event.

It is noteworthy that other races were present at the bonding moment to celebrate and identify with the Africans living in Surrey and Sussex. They reportedly had a beautiful and exciting time.

The family sit down time is a perfect example and representation of unity in humanity; regardless of age, colour, status or background. Every participant present was exhilarated and looked forward to such beautiful moments in the near future.

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