A Teenager Launches Her Own Hair Food Collection

by Hamid

Upon the realization of the 13-year old entrepreneur, Sky Bynum, from North Brunswick, New Jersey, United States, about the amazing results she gets after applying some of the top superfood ingredients such as pumpkin oil, ginger, rosemary oils, she decided to launch her own hair care collection “Superfood for Kinky Curly Hair”. Now, women all over the world are able to benefit from chemical-free products that truly moisturize and strengthen curly kinky hair with amazing results.

Launched via her own company called Kakebi, Superfood for Kinky Curly Hair consists of hair products that will give natural hair a healthy boost. The collection’s products include a growth serum, detox cleanser, conditioner, hair balms, whipped butter, and more, all focusing on names with Superfood hair qualities. The prices range from $15 – $30 for individual products and up to $126 for their entire collection bundle called The Lunch Box.

Theresa Wimbish, Sky’s mother, noticed the requirements in the New Jersey education system, it states that children need to learn financial literacy. “What’s better than learning how to run your own business?” she says. With her daughter being homeschooled, they have more time to develop Kakebi and build the company into her daily school activities.

Kakebi is a family business, which its main focus is haircare and finding the best products that will enhance their customers’ beauty journey. Their products are small batched cruelty-free and manufactured in the United States.

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Emmenette Mason August 5, 2020 - 5:30 pm

Amazing achievement for a young teen like Sky. My passion is to see more youth become adventurous like her, and consider entrepreneurship as a major career option.

Emmenette Mason August 5, 2020 - 5:42 pm

I pray that Sky will make good success!


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