WorldWomen believe in women standing in their full power in private and public life

by Duchess Magazine

Last year Kiwi businesswoman, author, and philanthropist, Theresa Gattung, and good friend Barbara Gabler (Medical intuitive healer) attended a Women’s conference in San Francisco which inspired the pair to create something similar in New Zealand.

With determination and excitement, the charitable trust, WorldWomen, has been launched and will host an international conference, WorldWomen17, in March next year which Theresa believes will have a positive lasting effect on New Zealand. Historically New Zealand has led the way in women’s rights and was the first country to grant women the right to vote on 27 November 1893 .

Theresa the former CEO and Managing Director of Telecom NZ and co-founder ofMy Food Bag says WorldWomen is a catalyst to create amazing outcomes and spark meaningful change in the world.

“It’s about women coming together, agreeing challenges and taking action. We want WorldWomen17 to provide a space in time for them to learn and be inspired by powerful local and international women who are already making a significant difference in education, health and in business. We believe in women standing in their full power in private and public life.”

Speakers include:

• Dr Terarai Trent – Dr. Trent is one of today’s most internationally recognised voices for quality education and women’s empowerment.

• Vicki Saunders – Entrepreneur and Founder of SheEO – a two-decade long initiative to dramatically transform how we support, celebrate and finance female entrepreneurs building new models, new mind-sets and solutions for a better world.

• Dr Neha Sangwan M.D. – CEO and founder of Intuitive Intelligence, Dr Sangwan M.D is an internal medicine physician, international speaker and corporate communication expert.

• Chantelle Baxter – Co-founder and CEO of One Girl – an organisation dedicated to giving 1 million girls across Africa access to education by 2020.

• Densie Arnold – A lawyer by day, Denise is passionate about education and seeing it as a way to break the poverty cycle. She established the Cambodia Charitable Trust in 2008.

• Leonie Pihama – Worked as an Associate Professor in Education at the University of Auckland and was Director of the International Research Institute for Maori and Indigenous Education (IRI).

• Theresa Gattung – CEO and Managing Director of Telecom New Zealand, a $5 billion telecommunications business in New Zealand and Australia from 1999 to 2007.

• Lindy Nelson – Founder of Agri-Women’s Development Trust. A visionary leader, Lindy has followed a governance pathway spanning farm ownership, directorship of a crown entity and founding an organisation that is successfully developing women’s leadership, business and governance capability in the agricultural sector.

WorldWomen17 is an event t
hat brings amazing women from around the world to Auckland to inspire Kiwi women to create meaningful change in the world. The event will be held at the Viaduct Events Centre in Auckland from 17-19 March, 2017.

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