Women have to Work Twice as Hard to succeed says Divine Ndhlukula.

by Duchess Magazine

African Awards for Entrepreneurship Grand prize winner 2011,Divine Ndhlukula recently expressed her insights towards achieving success and making progress in life,she urged on women who crave for good living to come out and put in hard work in their businesses, jobs and daily activities.

She said,”Women entrepreneurs have to work twice as hard to succeed. They should expect certain difficulties to crop up merely due to the fact that they are women. In such situations the best thing to do is to remain resolute, focused, ethical and preserve your integrity.”

Divine Ndhlukula.jpg Mrs Divine Ndhlukula founded  SECURICO Security Services from humble beginnings in Zimbabwe in 1998. Divine identified a need in the market for a quality oriented security company and she has driven SECURICO to become the market leader in Zimbabwe. She has tackled a previously male-dominated industry head on and her business success story is nothing short of remarkable – marking her as one of Africa’s most tenacious and inspiring women entrepreneurs. SECURICO today provides its clients with a complete security solution – uniformed armed officers, armored vehicles for transportation of valuables, onsite banking, trained guard dogs, and electronic security systems. The company also does private investigations, employee vetting, and security consulting.

Divine is a true champion of women’s empowerment in Zimbabwe and is currently the largest employer of women in the country outside the government sector, with 900 women employees on her payroll.

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