What the media and politicians get wrong about domestic abuse Jessica Valenti Jessica Valenti

by Duchess Magazine

As White House staffers face allegations, we must not forget that domestic violence is more than a relationship problem – it’s a crime

It’s not easy being a woman in Donald Trump’s America. We have a serial abuser in office who surrounds himself with the worst kind of people – and this week we found out just how bad some of them are. It’s not just that the White House would keep on a man they knew was accused of domestic violence by two women – it’s that they stood by him, even as the news broke to the rest of us. They’re not even pretending to care anymore. And, as if we needed a reminder of how bad things are, another aide left his White House job amid allegations of domestic abuse just days after Porter’s departure.

Something important has been lost in this conversation about Rob Porter and David Sorensen, though. The media that’s been covering it, the politicians who have responded to it – everyone agrees that it’s awful. But the issue is being framed as a horrifying personal trait when really it’s something much more. Domestic violence is illegal. The White House protected and covered for an alleged criminal. When we talk about abuse as a relationship problem, we diminish how insidious and serious domestic violence is. Just as important – we diminish the seriousness of this administration’s response.

Maybe we’ve become used to the idea of the White House covering for criminals, but I think it bears a bit more repeating.

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Source: www.theguardian.com

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