We must unite behind black women

by Duchess Magazine

We have Me Too, women’s marches, and different organizations all defending women’s rights.

It is good that women are coming forward to acknowledge the dreadful atrocities committed against them, but this only brings more to light the horrific Injustices toward black women.

All the things that are happening to women today are devastating, but they wane in comparison to what black women in America have had to endure.

Many black women in America were treated like cattle, raped, brutalized and forced to bear children at the master’s will. Their children were taken away as if the women never birthed them into the world.

They had to watch their children grow up without fathers and become slaves just like them. Their children were not allowed to read or write, the same sin waged against their parents.

Their fathers had no defense against white men. Black fathers lived in daily threat of their lives and were like nothing in the eyes of the white men.

Black women and men are still considered inferior today, despite their achievements and the hardships they have overcome.

Despite all of this, black people must rise up, they must awaken from their slumber in the “everything is going to be all right” mentality. Everything is not all right. We are on the threshold of devastation of our basic humanity.

There can be no rights until the rights of all women and men become an issue. Women of color need to be marching more than ever for women’s rights and should be advocating for voting rights, registration, and going out to vote in every election.

We need to be united like never before. We need to be a force and a wall against the oppressors that seek to hold us back.

Black women and men are still considered inferior today, despite their achievements and the hardships they have overcome.

Despite all of this, black people must rise up, they must awaken from their slumber in the “everything is going to be all right” mentality. Everything is not all right. We are on the threshold of devastation of our basic humanity.

There can be no rights until the rights of all women and men become an issue. Women of color need to be marching more than ever for women’s rights and should be advocating for voting rights, registration, and going out to vote in every election.

We need to be united like never before. We need to be a force and a wall against the oppressors that seek to hold us back.



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