Voice of the Parents: We crave for A Better Child Care Assistance

by Duchess Magazine

The 20th annual Stand for Children Day rally in Sacramento,  May 4, 2016.
On Wednessday the 4th of may, More than 500 parents took to the streets of  California’s State Capitol in Sacramento,to celebrate the 20th annual Stand for Children Day.
The event, was organized by” Parent Voices”, brings mothers, as the most effective advocates for their children, to Sacramento to rally, march and meet with their elected officials to call attention to the challenges their families are facing.
Dressed in blue shirts to demonstrate solidarity, we called for public investment in programs that bring stability and security to working mothers. That can mean everything from stable child care assistance, job schedule predictability, ending a practice that denies cash aid to children born in poverty or improving access to paid family leave.
As organizers of the rally, parents Voices beckoned on the  California Assembly members to implement policies (implement 12 months of child care assistance and update the income guidelines to qualify for subsidized child care). which would will favor the parents as this was their cause for rallying.
“If we want to honor mothers this month, these are the policies everyone everywhere should embrace”.

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