Tope Omotolani Appointed CrowdyVest New CEO

by Duchess Magazine
Tope Omotolani Appointed CrowdyVest New CEO

#WomenInPower #WeLoveToSeeIt !!

An equal world is an empowered world!

Crowdyvest has announced the appointment of Tope Omotolani, current Managing Director and a co-founder as its new Chief Executive Officer.

Her predecessor, Onyeka Akumah steps down effective immediately.

CrowdyVest, an initiative of EMFATO Holdings, is an exclusive community that connects members to impact-driven opportunities with good returns.

Launched in 2019, the financial institution offers  flexible savings options to enable customers reach their financial goals faster while enjoying good interest rates.

Under the change in leadership, Crowdyvest’s management and staff will remain in place. Crowdyvest will fully exit the EMFATO Holdings group.

Onyeka Akumah speaking on the development said:

“I have decided to step down as CEO of Crowdyvest as a result of the new investment in the company, which gives it a strong footing for scale.

Today, Crowdyvest is completely exiting EMFATO Holdings.
Moreover, we are delighted with the new investors, led by Tope.
Likewise, we are eager to see how Tope can carry this company to new heights.

I’m going to concentrate more on Farmcrowdy and Plentywaka now.
Tope is a strong and inspiring leader.
And I believe she will lead Crowdyvest to become one of Nigeria’s leading wealth management firms in the next 3-5 years.

 Tope Omotolani Appointed CrowdyVest appoints New CEO“I wish her and her team the best of luck on their journey, and I will continue to advise them as needed.”

“It’s an honor and a privilege for me to be able to lead the team to the next level and next chapter of the business.” Said Tope Omotolani, the new CEO.
Onyeka has built the company on the principles of integrity and high customer satisfaction.

And I am honored to have the opportunity to continue to lead this technology company into its next chapter.

As Crowdyvest, our main goal and focus is to see a lot of people become financially independent.
Which we can do thanks to the products we create on the platform.” She added.

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