Tola Onigbanjo:

by Duchess Magazine

Elevating And Empowering Women ?? Being woman in a predominately patriarchal world where male supremacy is reverenced is tough, add being black to that and the scale of mental and physical exhaustion reaches an all time high. Accomplishments are belittled, insecurity sets in.

UK based Nigerian Author, Speaker, Presenter Tola Onigbanjo is elevating, empowering and giving women a voice through her initiative – Women4Africa which had been dubbed the largest celebration of African women in Commonwealth by the Commonwealth Secretariat. This she believes is key to developing Africa.

The initiative was born in 2012 after years of being a hairdresser and hearing about some of the amazing achievements and selfless acts her clients shared. The mom of five teamed up with her husband and the rest is history.

Over the years “Women4Africa” has gained recognition for its positive influence across the diaspora, in 2016 it emerged winner of the Gender category at The National Diversity Awards in Liverpool.
Women4Africa awards through its nomination and judging process identifies and celebrates exceptional African women and women supporting all things Africa and doing extraordinary things both in the UK and in Africa. The decision is open to the public to nominate women that they feel should be recognised making the award more inclusive and diversified to women in the diaspora.

Held in the heart of London, Women4Africa dedicated to recognising women across Technology, Law, Career, Healthcare, Business, Family, Humanitarian efforts and more attracts between 700-1,000 guests.
Tola Onigbanjo aka WiseTola is also CEO & Founder The Solid Woman & The Listeners101. With over 20 years’ experience, this inspirational woman has mentored youths and helped survivors of child abuse. ?


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