Tiffany Haddish training with iconic sprinter Flo Jo’s Husband for upcoming biopic

by Duchess Magazine
Tiffany Haddish training with iconic sprinter Flo Jo's Husband for upcoming biopic

Olympic sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner might be gone but her glowing legacy still lives on as the fastest woman of all time, and one of the most fashion-forward sports stars.

It’s no news that a biopic based on her life is in the works but now, Tiffany Haddish who is set to portray the star is giving us a glimpse at her prepping up behind the scenes revealing she’s working with Flo Jo’s husband, Al Joyner to get achieve the perfect shape for the role.

Dishing further, the Grammy-winning actress and comedienne said:

“Some days it’s really strenuous,” said Haddish about the training. “He’s definitely taught me a lot.”

Adding, “The technique is everything. Her technique was impeccable and I mean if you look at the young lady who broke one of her records with that technique, it’s all about form. Once you get that down, the speed will come. Getting to know him and the family on that journey has been quite interesting.”

“I am looking forward to telling Flo-Jo’s story the way it should be told,” Haddish said, according to The Hollywood Reporter, earlier this year. “My goal with this film is making sure that younger generations know my ‘she-ro,’ Flo-Jo, the fastest woman in the world to this day, existed.”

No release date for the film has been revealed yet.

Florence Delorez Griffith Joyner, also known as Flo-Jo, was an American track and field athlete. She set world records in 1988 for both the 100 m and 200 m.

The Olympic sprint champion died on 21 September 1998 after suffering an epileptic seizure, she was just 38.
Flo Jo was married to fellow athlete, champion Al Joyner, the brother of famed athlete Jackie Joyner-Kersee.


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