There’s Nothing As Powerful As A Changed Mind

by Duchess Magazine

I’ve tried changing my clothes, my hair and make-up but nothing changed my conditions or the experiences of my life until I was willing and serious about changing my mind. You can change your hair, your clothes, your residence, your partner, your career, but as long as you don’t change your mind, conditions in life will not change. The same experiences will follow everywhere you go and while they might put on seemingly different outfits to try and fool you at first, you’ll soon find yourself going through the same old patterns – why? Because the only way to change what has manifested on the outside is to change what caused it in the first place and that can only be done in the mind.

Many are still going around life playing the victim card, wondering why random things keep happening that they really don’t want. Why the husband or boyfriend behaves as he does; why the kids react as they do; why it’s so hard to manifest a hot and gorgeous body or why that promotion at work keeps going to the other guy. There is nothing random in this world my dear one. We live in a beautiful world that is governed by exact laws. Principles that are eternal and unfailing. Just as we know the principles of mathematics cannot be rigged or altered by anyone, so too must we come to the realization that the principle of life cannot be altered or cajoled into producing something unlawful. You can pray, affirm, beg or visualize all you want but if you’re not working on shifting your mindset nothing new will come about. So I will reiterate once more: There is nothing as powerful as a changed mind.

In the book of divine instructions we are told: “Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather healed.”

                                                               –Hebrews 12: 11-13


I encourage you to read the entire 12th chapter in Hebrews but the context of what I have shared with you shows us how necessary it is for us to make an effort in renewing our minds even if it won’t feel easy or joyful at first. When you look around your world you will see many people who should be blamed for the conditions you’re currently facing. You will never miss an abundance of blame to go around when you seek it, but what I can assure you is that every minute you spend looking at your manifested world trying to justify why things are the way they are is time and energy wasted in things that only keep you stuck there because the only thing that changes circumstances is the mind. The only way to change the mind is to renew it, retrain it and shift the beliefs, habits; patterns of thought and image of self that is causing the effects you currently want to get out of.

This is why the Bible tells us that it won’t necessarily be joyous when going through the training; it might be quite painful at times but afterwards you will reap a rich harvest meaning you will heal all things that have been devastating your life and make manifest all that your heart desires because it is the mind that creates physical reality.

Though you are now reading this through your physical eyes, your body and mind are not who you really are. You are spirit; made in the image and likeness of God and God is Spirit. But to navigate this physical earth you need a physical body, which is what your mind has created and continues to manifest as you. But in all your goodness, if you have spent years practicing ideas of lack, hatred, bitterness, self-criticism and unworthiness then that mind has really been conditioned into false beliefs that manifest as real conditions. Whatever the mind believes to be true it must materialize. So when you want to see the people around you more in love with you, when you want to see more abundance freely flowing to you, when you want to see a gorgeous, sexy, healthy body that makes you feel good when you look at yourself – it can only be done when you follow the law of our being and transform that mind.

It doesn’t come from wishful thinking or lip service with affirmations and so on… There must be a true and authentic realization of truth and an increase in awareness. The Bible teaches you how, those like me who love to share the gospel are delighted to help you understand how but unless you are willing to commit and implement as the Bible has eloquently said – no great results will show up because nothing will be as powerful in your world as a renewed mind. That is what will change everything you now wish to make different.



About Author:



Janette Getui is a lifestyle, leadership and wealth psychology coach. She’s certified as
a personal and business coach, a law of attraction expert and thinking into results
facilitator who’s had the pleasure of being trained and work with some of the biggest
names in the personal development industry such as Bob Proctor. As such, she’s on a
mission to help others awaken to truth because she believes in freedom and
prosperity for all.

As a transformational coach, in-demand speaker, trainer, seminar leader and
breakthrough queen who came from a homeless hostile background, she’s created an
extraordinary story for herself and now shows others how to do the same. Born in
the second largest slum of Kenya, in Africa, she turned around the fate that was
handed to her by rewriting her destiny by progressively creating her rags to riches
story literally from scratch into the successful entrepreneur, thought leader and
proud mother that she is today. Her mission is to help others awaken to Truth about
Life and how this world really works because she believes in freedom and prosperity
for every individual.

She devotes her time-sharing a simple formula that can show you how to make
manifest your version of heaven here on earth and attain a happy, healthy wealthy
and thriving lifestyle. Her work endeavors to help individuals seeking to become
independently wealthy how to integrate material earthly riches with spiritual
richness because that has been her main learning curve without any of the social
criteria that most people have. Having discovered that there is a connecting link that
we can use to build the bridges that connect lasting and holistic materialism with
spiritualism, she wants more people to start enjoying a good quality of life and
greater abundance. Janette believes with great conviction that you can create a new
reality and destiny for yourself and your loved ones regardless of current conditions,
circumstances or environment.

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