Would you like to know the real reason why you still have financial limitations?
Financial prosperity is among the topics that never go out of
fashion. Only issue is, we spend so much time and effort talking
about how there isn’t enough and how so many don’t have instead
of talking about how much there is and how everyone and anyone
can have money.
What an interesting thing to observe that when I speak to a crowd
about money, no one really pays much attention when I talk about
the abundance of it, but everyone pays close attention and readily
shares their misery and version of scarcity. Is it possible that we
can be a society so conditioned into scarcity that we can’t even
catch ourselves anymore?
Pay attention to which stories excite you more. Are they
stories of how much financial prosperity is available to you or
how much it never seems to be enough?
I was stuck in this trap unconsciously for a really long time and
today, I wish to share with you one major secret that makes or
breaks any bank.
We have conditioned ourselves to equate money with "doing" or
the physical action that we undertake rather than with serving
others. We also have a really tough time believing that we are
supposed to be abundant and well provided for by our creator, just
because of who we are – not what we do!
If you were to just step back far enough and get to the bottom of
why you even have your job or business you will see it is all
because of providing some kind of services to others. It isn’t so
much about the money, or the position or job itself. As a matter of
fact, if you were the only one who existed in this world, would any
of this matter at all? Would there be a need for what you do?
So financial prosperity really doesn’t have much to do with the kind
of work you're in. But it has a lot to do with how tuned you are to
the divine provider and how well you do whatever it is you're
currently doing. This is why in the famous little black book which
teaches the art of getting rich, Mr. Wattle's states that getting rich
isn’t about doing a specific thing…
So what it the great secret behind tuning into financial
Your emotions!
No I'm really not!
…That's it? Is that the big secret? Are you kidding me?
Wealth manifestation especially when it comes to the topic of
money has a lot more to do with your emotions than you may have
as yet realized. Most thoughts around wealth and money are fear
based, which means that most people today are attempting the
impossible – to create lasting wealth from a place of fear and an
awareness of lack.
Since most of the success seekers have neglected the study and
renewal of their mindsets, they are busily running around seeking
freedom and prosperity with paradigms that contradict the very
things they desire.
If you are keen about creating mindful success in your life and
business then shifting your perception, learning to change
paradigms and moving into the inspired way of manifesting money
will be your ticket to unending financial prosperity.
But how do you do that immediately?
First, recognize that your emotions and paradigms play a big role
when it comes to determining how much money you can
effortlessly manifest into your life. Make a decision that you are
going to learn more about your emotions, how to control and direct
them better so that they can attract not repel money.
Then also start realizing that money is all about serving others and
being of value in some way. In serving others, it isn’t so much the
physical action but rather the alignment of energy and your ability
to tap into your own authentic connection to the storehouse that
holds all power, all ideas and all riches.
Money is the physical currency and its non-physical
counterpart is thought.
I believe thought is the coin of heaven and so if you want the
coin of earth, all you have to do is find a way of translating
what is in heaven here on earth.
That is what successful and rich individuals are able to do with
great ease and that is why they never toil or work hard in order for
them to be compensated greatly.
I remember growing up in the African slums how working as a
construction worker for the men or as cleaner for the women was
the only available job for us and these people would toil and labor
all day under the worst of conditions yet receive peanuts.
Everyone kept insisting that was the only way to earn an income
and I just couldn’t accept that. I had to find a better way because
the idea of being a cleaner just didn’t sit well with me.
Now, although it took many years to understand the flow of God's
economy and how this world really works, I will tell you this, do not
agree to settle for something you do not like doing only because
everyone around you says that’s where the money is!
The money might be there for them, because they've found the
alignment and emotional mastery with it in that way, but it doesn’t
mean it will be there for you. Why is that?
Well, and here is another big secret for you: Money is about
alignment of energy and flow of that energy with the intention of
serving others and adding value.
This is something worth contemplation the whole of today until you
fully connect with the meaning in those words. These are the
simple but powerful secrets behind financial flow and abundance.
So if you aren’t flowing your energy in an infinite, positive and high-
spirited way that you know adds value to others, your limitations
will always hold you back from the abundance that is naturally
If you are still struggling with your emotions, it's going to be really
tough to shift gears in your life and start thriving financially.
You must get to a point where you begin analyzing whether or not
you are flowing the energy in a high, joyful way or not; you need to
figure out whether you are in alignment energetically or whether
you are restricting yourself in some way because that is the only
ceiling you have between you and your money.
This is very simple, but not always easy, especially if it is a long
held paradigm. You may attempt to figure all of this out on your
own and go the long way or get some support from those like
myself who truly understand how to uncover and overcome limiting
Either way, take the time to once and for all bring to light the
obstacles that are keeping your from the fun, freedom and
abundance that you deserve to have. If you are still looking for
these elements to show up in your life from a state of overwhelm,
stress, hard work and effort, then I am sorry, you will be on that
treadmill alongside every other struggling person for a really long
time because the secrets to manifestations can never be found
while on those struggling paths. Your need to find your path of
least resistance and that will be the portal by which the flow will
happen at astonishing rates.
Perhaps one last fantastic idea I can leave you with to think
through is, where you have placed your focus when it comes to
financial prosperity?
Are you looking at financial manifestation from the perspective of:
How will the money get here?
Where will it come from and what possible ways do I have now
that I can take action on to produce cash?
If this is you, don’t worry. I am a veteran of this type of thinking. It
gets you nowhere other than the land of worry, anxiety and stress.
Instead shift frequencies and begin to allow a new understanding
that money is not about physical action but service from the heart
that adds value. And being a game of energy, emotions, alignment
and vibration, then there are infinite ways by which it can manifest
into physicality, so all you have to do is rise into your highest state
of being and be ready and willing to give what is of greatest value
to others.
If you can talk yourself into this perspective and truly believe it, you
will be in awe at the magic that will unfold rapidly into your life.
And if you feel like this is a concept you want further clarification
on, if at a deeper level, you need an emotional release and
perhaps even more strategies, then reach out and ask for help.
You are not alone and thanks to the digital revolution, you can get
awesome help and support faster than ever before, so give
yourself the gift of being a woman who thrives and enjoys financial
With love,
About Author:
Janette Getui is a lifestyle, leadership and wealth psychology coach. She’s certified as
a personal and business coach, a law of attraction expert and thinking into results
facilitator who’s had the pleasure of being trained and work with some of the biggest
names in the personal development industry such as Bob Proctor. As such, she’s on a
mission to help others awaken to truth because she believes in freedom and
prosperity for all.
As a transformational coach, in-demand speaker, trainer, seminar leader and
breakthrough queen who came from a homeless hostile background, she’s created an
extraordinary story for herself and now shows others how to do the same. Born in
the second largest slum of Kenya, in Africa, she turned around the fate that was
handed to her by rewriting her destiny by progressively creating her rags to riches
story literally from scratch into the successful entrepreneur, thought leader and
proud mother that she is today. Her mission is to help others awaken to Truth about
Life and how this world really works because she believes in freedom and prosperity
for every individual.
She devotes her time-sharing a simple formula that can show you how to make
manifest your version of heaven here on earth and attain a happy, healthy wealthy
and thriving lifestyle. Her work endeavors to help individuals seeking to become
independently wealthy how to integrate material earthly riches with spiritual
richness because that has been her main learning curve without any of the social
criteria that most people have. Having discovered that there is a connecting link that
we can use to build the bridges that connect lasting and holistic materialism with
spiritualism, she wants more people to start enjoying a good quality of life and
greater abundance. Janette believes with great conviction that you can create a new
reality and destiny for yourself and your loved ones regardless of current conditions,
circumstances or environment.
To connect and learn more: www.janettegetui.com
If your lifestyle needs a makeover check out: www.boldbeautifulblissfulu.com