The Crucial Role of Nurturing & Teaching That A Mother Plays (Part I of II)

by Duchess Magazine
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“A mother’s love is bliss, is peace, it need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. If it

is there, it is like a blessing; if it is not there, it is as if all the beauty had gone out of
life”- Erich Fromm.

It is my deepest belief today that there is a perfect and divine design that
went into the creation of motherhood and the role that a mother plays in the
home, society and the world. Although it is true that there are many factors
that shape the child’s belief systems, habits and outlook on life, none plays a
greater impact than what the child learns from the parents especially the
mother. There is an old African proverb that states, “It takes a village to raise
a child.” I certainly can’t object to that. Many people do influence the
development of the child as they grow into adulthood; there are other family
members, friends, school, teachers, the media and so on.

During the journey of growing from a child into an adult, different
individuals show up at certain points, impact us in one way or another and
become monumental in our further progress at those crucial times of our
development. Character building and how resilient, confident and moral we
become certainly gets influenced by those that we’re surrounded by and none
is more of a critical influencer than “Mother”… For any child the mother is
the symbol of God and pure love here on earth and as we advance as a
civilization it becomes critical for all mothers alive today to start renewing
some of the old and outdated ways by which they perform their motherly

As we stand here and now the role of mother has never been so greatly tested.
There has never been a time in human history where there existed more
choices, variety and opportunity. Neither has there ever been a time when the
whole world is so connected without boundaries. The scientific and digital era
has made everyone a next-door neighbor. You might be a mother reading this
thousands of miles away from me in a different continent in fact and yet here
we are connecting as though we’re having some tea in the same room. This is
by far the best time to be alive for anyone but at the same time, it is a time for
true testing of Faith, Love and Truth.

As a mother, you have a divine duty to joyfully and proudly demonstrate through faith and action what was imparted to you by divine grace at the moment you received this gift of parenting an individual soul. Therefore although both parents ought to feel
the responsibility of teaching and nurturing their children, it is by divine design that your

role of motherhood should increasingly emphasize on the nurturing and teaching of your young ones who are the next generation.
It seems to be that evils in the world continue to prevail in society. Poverty, hardships, stress, war, disease and all kinds of negatives that falsely clothe this world have taken such deep roots in the minds of men and women everywhere, very few are willing or able to find and hold on to truth. To speak of a world where love is what’s normal, where every child goes to sleep with a full tummy and everyone enjoys happiness, harmony and abundance seems like a made up fairy tale, and yet that is what I know to be the real
truth about life not just for some of us – but for all of us. How many mothers
consciously make an effort to promote this kind of perspective?

Does it sound foolish or unrealistic to you now?
Well consider for a moment, the process you went through as a mother during your
conception and pregnancy phase… You carried that child within you and walked by
faith that you would make manifest a beautiful human being. No one could do
anything to ensure that it was so, not even the best doctor in the world; but by faith,
not by might or human intellect, you lovingly held on to the truth that you were
carrying a human baby with 2 eyes, 2 arms, 10 fingers and 2 legs. You never doubted
for a moment that you could give birth to a cow or an elephant right?
Well that power, faith and hope that you had of believing something before
you or anyone in this world could physically see it, is the greatest gift you
can teach your child today. It is the hope that will surpass all that has
manifested so far, which doesn’t serve them; it is the hope that will fuel them
into creating a better life for themselves and others.

As a new age mother, there has never been a more critical time for you to take
center stage in your child’s life and rekindle goodness in their world. The
nurturing and teachings you give your children every single day determines
the fundamental beliefs they will carry about some of the most important
aspects of human living such as religion, money, love, relationships and God.
Not in any way attempting to ignore the influencing powers of the media,
Internet, teachers and your home environment but rather trying to emphasize
on the fact that you can and do have a bigger influence in their life.

Hence it’s about time you stop digging up what the past generations did or what
mistakes they made with you because none of that matters. You are where
you are already and it’s the perfect place to start fresh and clear up the grounds for new foundations that will hold strong towers that support what you now wish for yourself and your child. And you carry that power within you. You carry that spiritual fire that can consume all past evils and offer a fresh ground if only you take time to seek this new way of thinking. In a follow up article I will share simple ways that you can start planting the right seeds that nurture a secure, happy and abundant future for yourself and your
loved ones. Simple things that you can begin doing now, which could rapidly transform the reality you’re in.



About Author:


   Janette Getui is a lifestyle, leadership and wealth psychology coach. She’s certified as
a personal and business coach, a law of attraction expert and thinking into results
facilitator who’s had the pleasure of being trained and work with some of the biggest
names in the personal development industry such as Bob Proctor. As such, she’s on a
mission to help others awaken to truth because she believes in freedom and
prosperity for all.

As a transformational coach, in-demand speaker, trainer, seminar leader and
breakthrough queen who came from a homeless hostile background, she’s created an
extraordinary story for herself and now shows others how to do the same. Born in
the second largest slum of Kenya, in Africa, she turned around the fate that was
handed to her by rewriting her destiny by progressively creating her rags to riches
story literally from scratch into the successful entrepreneur, thought leader and
proud mother that she is today. Her mission is to help others awaken to Truth about
Life and how this world really works because she believes in freedom and prosperity
for every individual.

She devotes her time-sharing a simple formula that can show you how to make
manifest your version of heaven here on earth and attain a happy, healthy wealthy
and thriving lifestyle. Her work endeavors to help individuals seeking to become
independently wealthy how to integrate material earthly riches with spiritual
richness because that has been her main learning curve without any of the social
criteria that most people have. Having discovered that there is a connecting link that
we can use to build the bridges that connect lasting and holistic materialism with
spiritualism, she wants more people to start enjoying a good quality of life and
greater abundance. Janette believes with great conviction that you can create a new
reality and destiny for yourself and your loved ones regardless of current conditions,
circumstances or environment.

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1 comment

eebest8 March 7, 2016 - 1:38 pm

I really like and appreciate your blog post.Really thank you! Great.


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