Teen Mom Turned Millionaire — How She Did it With Three Children!

by Duchess Magazine

Hailing from Washington DC, serial entrepreneur Ronne Brown is an influencer and thought leader who teaches other entrepreneurs how to achieve success on their own terms. She is an author, speaker and success architect whose unfortunate circumstances turned out to be blessings in disguise!
From humble beginnings
As a teen mom, Brown was used to the odds being stacked against her. After being laid off from her job with only an unemployment check coming in and three 3 children to care Brown knew she had to make a change. In 2009, Brown went from being a pregnant janitor and mopping floors to finally building up the courage to run her own business full-time earning over a 7-figure income, within only a few short years and she did this with no B-school or previous training.
Brown took the journey of rejection by getting over her fears and identifying her passion with late nights, early mornings, losing associates and talking to everyone she possibly could about her business. Her skill set ranges from workshop and keynote speaking to career and life design coaching. She inspires audiences to greater leadership, promotion and fulfillment at every stage of the college, career and business spectrum.
How she became a millionaire
Since her humble beginnings, Brown has built an empire called Ronne B. Enterprises, which includes several entities for people in business. In 2009, she founded High Heels High Goals; an exclusive membership based organization that empowers women to reach their goals and educates them on various entrepreneurial practices.
In 2014, Brown created the Ambush Brand-over a revolutionary coaching program that was specifically created to help newbie (or stuck) entrepreneurs launch their brand, business or product online and make REAL revenue in their first 30 days.
Her companies have been so successful that she’s already been featured in Black Enterprise magazine, Essence magazine, and Vibe magazine. She has also been a featured guest on Fox News, WHUR 96.3, and Sirius XM radio.
Her vision
Brown’s vision is to create the #1 online platform, where entrepreneurs could come together from around the world to inspire and empower each other to succeed in business. “Success is no accident, if you want to achieve amazing things and build a successful business you have to do it on purpose, day in, day out,” she says.
Today, as a business coach, author, and speaker, Brown focuses on leveraging her expertise to positively impact the success of entrepreneurs. She shares the very strategies and methods she used to grow her own business and develop her as a leader.
For more details about Ronne Brown or her company, visit www.ronneb.com or follow her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/keepupwithronneb

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