“It’s … about everybody getting involved.”
If there is one thing each of us can do to add light to the world, Shonda Rhimes says, it’s this: Get out and vote.
Talking with Oprah for OWN’s “SuperSoul Sunday,” the famed TV producer opened up about how anyone can help make the world a better place, focusing on the ability of American adults to have a voice at the polls and urging them to jump at the opportunity to make a real difference.
“In a political way, it’s making our House and our Senate look more like America does ― the same way we should make television look more like America does,” Rhimes says.
But it’s not just about the end goal of this diverse representation, she continues.
“It’s also about everybody getting involved,” Rhimes says. “If everybody was invested in how we lived and how our country worked, I think we’d be bringing a lot more light into the world.”