Shalanda Young tapped by Biden as White House Budget Director

by Duchess Magazine
Shalanda Young tapped by Biden as White House Budget Director

American political advisor Shalanda Young has been nominated by President Joe Biden for director of the Office of Management and Budget officially. If confirmed by the senate, Young would become the first Black woman to hold the esteemed position which has been left vacant for months.

Since March, Young has been acting as budget director, but with the nomination from the Biden administration and if confirmed she will officially take on the role.

“The Office of Management and Budget has been called the nerve center of our government,” Biden said in a video announcement. “This is an agency that not only helps me create the budget, but also makes sure that your tax dollars are spent efficiently and effectively.”

Young is a veteran of the House Appropriations Committee, where she spent much of her career. In March, the Senate confirmed Young as deputy director of OMB in a 63-37 vote thanks to dozen Republicans who voted in her favour.

Biden also nominated Nani Coloretti as deputy director of OMB. She is now senior vice president for financial and business strategy at the Urban Institute and served in the Obama administration. Biden said Coloretti would be one of the most senior Asian Americans in government.

Biden said that both Young and Coloretti have been confirmed before with bipartisan support and pressed the Senate to “swiftly confirm them again so they can lead OMB at this important time.”




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