Serena Williams’ Daughter’s Favorite Doll “Qai Qai” Lands Amazon So Little Black Girls Get Dolls That Look Exactly Like Them!

by Duchess Magazine
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Rock Your Melanin!

Tennis Champ, top fashion designer and entreprenuer par excellence! Serena Williams is always open to new opportunities and now, the mogul has set her eyes on her latest initiative – changing the toy story narrative with her daughter Olympian Ohanian’s own personalised favourite doll -Qai Qai @RealQaiQai.

The doll made its debut in 2018. “Qai Qai is a doll I got her,” said Williams, of the toy, “I wanted her to have a black doll. Growing up, I didn’t have that many opportunities to have black dolls. And I was just thinking, like, I want her first doll to be black. And her (Olympia) heritage, obviously she’s mixed, she’s Caucasian and black, but I feel like that was her first doll and I said her second doll would be Caucasian.

“I definitely want to always teach her love and teach her just basic human — humans should always have love for each other, no matter what color they are.”

Explaining further about why the doll landed on Amazon for just $30, the tennis champ said it all started as an inside joke but lots of people aka family, friends and thousands of people on the internet have always asked where they can get theirs. “Qai Qai could be the beginning of a new kind of toy story, and one that we are that we are excited to help bring to life do our daughter and millions of other children can see and play with more toys that look like them.

“Starting today, you can bring Qai Qai home to your daughters, sons, nieces, nephews, and anyone else who likes to boss up!!” She wrote in part in a statement on Instagram.

Williams’ husband, Alexis Ohanian Sr. on Instagram also explained that the Qai Qai line had become more than just having dolls.

“It didn’t take me and @serenawilliams long to realise that @RealQaiQai could be and should be far more than “just a doll” and we’ve been amazed by the incredible community that formed around her online. She’s brought so much joy to our daughter and we’re excited for y’all to be able to bring her home to your own families.”

He also stated that although the dolls don’t exactly look like Olympia, they take on her alter ego.


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1 comment

maman October 24, 2020 - 1:00 am

Normalment mai m’ha agradat llegir articles als blocs
però per aquest bloc vull dir que aquest escrit realment em va obligar a provar-ho!
El teu gust per l’escriptura m’ha sorprès.
Gràcies, molt bon article.


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