Rikolla Aid Foundation Holds Season 8 Bi-annual Edition of “My Health, My Investment”

by Hamid

Rikolla Aid Foundation (RAF) founded by Mrs. Yemisi Ghaniyat Adunola is an organization that supports the general public irrespective of gender, age, tribe, religion, race or ethnicity. A facility born out of love of God, Humanity and genuine concern for the wellbeing of common man.

The season 8.0 edition which held on  the 1st of October at the Women Development center in Agege area of Lagos state featured free cancer screening test for participants (male & female) above 35 years of age, alongside other activities like, educative information on cancer/ natural treatment,  Agroforestry business, how to create marketing jingles to help promote our businesses and Effective conflict resolution & management strategies to help maintain mental health.

The purpose of the organization was birthed when it observed the general downgrade of morals, mental health consciousness and healthy practices among the Nigerian populace particularly the youths with sad incidence of dropping dead suddenly, some suffering psychological or mental breakdown while others are nothing but walking corpses which in turn exposes us all to greater environmental and health risks. 

Knowing that majority of the harmful practices are propelled by ignorance, superstitious beliefs, and nonchalant attitude; the organization decided in 2018 under the company name RIKOLLA GLOBAL VENTURES to minimize the havoc these unhealthy trends may cause by providing targeted Moral, Mental Health / Wellness Talk, free medical checkup and general health awareness among other things as we strive to make a difference in our dear Nation.  

It offers free bi-annual medical checkup, moral, mental Health/wellness Seminar Tagged “My Health, My Investment” every June 12 & October 1 which always addresses issues within this frame where we bring in medical practitioners, spiritual leaders, psychologist, legal practitioners, life, business and digital marketing coaches and more where we educate participants on the importance of healthy living, adding values, being more intentional and productive with their lives.

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