Rewriting History! Samia Hassan Suluhu Set To Become Tanzania’s First Female President

by Duchess Magazine
Rewriting History! Samia Hassan Suluhu Set To Become Tanzania's First Female President

Yes She Can! It’s a new dawn in Tanzania and we say yes ? to it.

By the day, age long demeaning archaic beliefs are being trashed. No longer are women being relegated to domestication with their capabilities overlooked, due recognition is now being given and we couldn’t be any more pleased.

History is being rewritten in the republic of Tanzania as Samia Hassan Suluhu, who became the first female vice-president upon John Pombe Magufuli’s election in 2015, is set to be sworn in as president following the death of John Magufuli yesterday, March 17, aged 61. He died of a heart ailment which he has battled for over 10 years.

“Where the office of President becomes vacant by reason of death, then the Vice-President shall be sworn in and become the President for the unexpired period of the term of five years.”

Samia Hassan Suluhu will be Tanzania’s first female president and also the first in East Africa.

A former office clerk and development worker, Saluhu, born in 1960 in the Sultanate of Zanzibar, began her political career in 2000 in her native Zanziba. In 2005-2010 she served as a Minister for Tourism, trade and Investment in Zanzibar and in 2000-2005 a Minister of Youth Employment, Women and Children Development in Zanzibar.

She has been vice-president since 2015. Prior to that, she was a minister of state under the vice-president’s office. Hassan also served in the government of Zanzibar in several capacities.

The mum of four has University degrees from Tanzania, Britain and the United States.

She was a parliament member for the Makunduchi constituency from 2010 to 15 and has been Minister of State in the Vice-President’s Office for Union Affairs since 2010.

In 2014, she served as the vice-chairperson for the Constitutional Assembly which was tasked with drafting Tanzania’s new constitution.

Suluhu is married to Hafidh Ameir, a retired agriculture officer. The pair has three sons and a daughter, Mwanu Hafidh Ameir who is a member of the Zanzibar House of Representatives.

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