Juliet Ehimuan Chiazor Speaks On Her Leadership Style As The Country Manager For Google Nigeria

by Duchess Magazine


Photo Credit – guardian.ng


Juliet Ehimuan Chiazor, the country manager for Google Nigeria, is one of those women who are doing excellently well in the male-dominated industry.

In a chat with BBC, she speaks on her leadership style and what makes her fulfilled as a person.

For Juliet, supporting and sharing is the key to success.

She said,

I am Juliet Ehimuan Chiazor. I’m a Nigerian. I’m the country manager for Google in Nigeria. I’m also a wife, mother, daughter, sister and online evangelist. I think leadership style is a function of who you are as a person and who you are as person is a function of many things including your gender, your environment, your upbringing, what you’ve learnt and other influences.

Overall, my leadership style is more democratic and coaching and that’s a function of my personality as well. I do really believe in sharing and supporting other people with the stories of my journey with any lessons learnt. I think that’s really critical. I get invited to speak to young people. And that is what I just share how you can be a self-leader because you can be a champion.

I started more intimate session with young women. I call them beyond limits meaning that as human beings we are limitless. We can achieve anything that we set our minds to. And these are just intimate sessions over a period of time where I engage the same audience and just talk about what their goals are, how you create plans, your beliefs and how you and how you manage your time and all those kinds of things.

I think professionally, there are more women in leadership positions in the technology positions and are taken more seriously and it’s becoming more and more open. But in the social space that is where we still have a lot of challenges. We still have cases of women feeling that they need to undermine themselves, in order not to intimidate men especially when you are single. Compromises like that, that we still need to address in societies.

My aspiration is to just be fully present and alive in each moment. To be able to live life fully in each moment and to be engaged in activities that makes a positive difference on human kind.

What that would look like isn’t material. What is more important is the substance and that can be different from what I’m doing now or more of what I’m doing now, so it’s less of my goal is to be CEO of this region. It’s more just that I’m serving humankind and giving of myself in that way.




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